Discovering Similarities and Differences
Texts often look at how things compare (how they are similar) and contrast (how they are different). Words and phrases may be used to signal things are similar or different, such as:
Similarities |
Differences |
same, similar, similarly, like, alike, likewise, in comparison, both, the same as, in the same way, in common, also, as well, resemble. |
differ, different, difference, differently, but, unlike, different, in contrast, however, whereas, instead, on the other hand, although, while, as opposed to, on the contrary. |
If no words are used, you will need to think about how things are similar or different.
Comprehension Tests
Comprehension questions often ask about the ways in which people, places, experiences and things are alike or different.
1. Read the question carefully and work out what you are being asked to compare or contrast.
2. Find the information in the text that tells you about the people, places, experiences or things you are being asked about. If you are looking for similarities, look for words such as like, alike, similar, same, both, all, comparable, equivalent. If you are looking for differences, look for words such as unlike, different, but, however, on the other hand, in contrast.
3. Read the information and make notes about the similarities and/or differences. It may help to draw up a table or diagram to summarise the information.
4. If it is a multiple choice question, make sure you read all possible answers before choosing the best one.
5. If it is a short answer question you will need to organise your information carefully, to make sure you are making it clear how people, places, experiences or things are similar or different. For example, if you were reading a text about pets and asked about similarities and differences between cats and dogs, your answer may be something along the lines of the following. Note the words in bold which help to make the similarities and differences clear.
Dogs and cats are similar as they both have fur, four legs, live on land and are domestic animals who become members of a family. They are not from the same species though. Dogs are members of the feline family and cats are members of the canine family. Unlike cats, dogs tend to be more active and need regular exercise. They also need a lot of space to run around. Another difference is cats meow and purr but dogs bark.
Comprehension Tests
Comprehension questions often ask about the ways in which people, places, experiences and things are alike or different.
1. Read the question carefully and work out what you are being asked to compare or contrast.
2. Find the information in the text that tells you about the people, places, experiences or things you are being asked about. If you are looking for similarities, look for words such as like, alike, similar, same, both, all, comparable, equivalent. If you are looking for differences, look for words such as unlike, different, but, however, on the other hand, in contrast.
3. Read the information and make notes about the similarities and/or differences. It may help to draw up a table or diagram to summarise the information.
4. If it is a multiple choice question, make sure you read all possible answers before choosing the best one.
5. If it is a short answer question you will need to organise your information carefully, to make sure you are making it clear how people, places, experiences or things are similar or different. For example, if you were reading a text about pets and asked about similarities and differences between cats and dogs, your answer may be something along the lines of the following. Note the words in bold which help to make the similarities and differences clear.
Dogs and cats are similar as they both have fur, four legs, live on land and are domestic animals who become members of a family. They are not from the same species though. Dogs are members of the feline family and cats are members of the canine family. Unlike cats, dogs tend to be more active and need regular exercise. They also need a lot of space to run around. Another difference is cats meow and purr but dogs bark.